Early each morning by 7:30 a.m Mr. Horacio Ramos our Technology/Migrant Volunteer Manager goes in and rings the bell after checking everything is ready to go. Mrs. Lucia Lopez, is the first one that opens all the doors and turns on the light.
You can hear the first volunteers arriving to the decommissioned La Trinidad First United Methodist Church . You can hear the first footsteps on the tile floor as the walk through the halls of the old church. A few minutes after you will hear someone sweeping and conversations taking place as more volunteers arrive.
All through the conversions you can still hear the sound of dishes as they are bumped together, restrooms being flushed plastic bags and doors opening and closing. Soon the scent of fresh coffee fills the air.
By 8:00 a.m we usually get a call from our local Border Patrol and by then the team has breakfast ready and is already talking about lunch, Said Rosalinda Flores Migrant Care Manager at Mission Border Hope. I have a great team and working with them has been great.

Why ring the bell each morning? Well some of our volunteers feel the need to pray. Others just find it an important part to start their morning. I feel a need to pray or read the bible each time I hear the bell ring, said Lucia Lopez a MET worker. One thing is certain, for years when this church was open the bell would be rung and its sound would be carried to many ears in Eagle Pass. Now the bell symbolizes Mission Border Hope is open to help immigrant travelers and share Love, Faith, Hope to everyone.